The Tomorrow War 2 hasn’t been greenlit by Paramount Pictures and other co-producers, but a sequel does seem likely. Despite polarizing reviews, The Tomorrow War has surprised many critics and streamers with its heartfelt father-daughter subplot and the director’s willingness to take risks with sci-fi concepts, even if they seem derivative of past genre films. Even if producers don’t officially announce The Tomorrow War 2 by the end of the 2021, the filmmakers are likely already planning for a sequel, especially when considering Pratt’s movie star appeal and the first film’s big streaming numbers.

The Tomorrow War 2 presumably won’t release for two to three years. Pratt remains one of the industry’s biggest mainstream stars and has several projects in the works after completing filming for the 2022 movies Thor: Love and Thunder and Jurassic World: Dominion. Expect The Tomorrow War 2 to release during the summer of 2024, assuming it happens and that Pratt reprises his role.

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